large debt

large debt
значительный долг

Politics english-russian dictionary. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "large debt" в других словарях:

  • Debt relief — is the partial or total forgiveness of debt, or the slowing or stopping of debt growth, owed by individuals, corporations, or nations. From antiquity through the 19th century, it refers to domestic debts, in particular agricultural debts and… …   Wikipedia

  • Debt-for-nature swap — Debt for nature swaps are financial transactions in which a portion of a developing nation s foreign debt is forgiven in exchange for local investments in environmental conservation measures. Contents 1 History 2 How Debt for Nature Swaps Work 3… …   Wikipedia

  • Debt restructuring — is a process that allows a private or public company – or a sovereign entity – facing cash flow problems and financial distress, to reduce and renegotiate its delinquent debts in order to improve or restore liquidity and rehabilitate so that it… …   Wikipedia

  • Debt settlement — Debt settlement, also known as debt arbitration, debt negotiation or credit settlement, is an approach to debt reduction in which the debtor and creditor agree on a reduced balance that will be regarded as payment in full.[1] Debt settlement is… …   Wikipedia

  • Debt deflation — is a theory of economic cycles, which holds that recessions and depressions are due to the overall level of debt shrinking (deflating): the credit cycle is the cause of the economic cycle. The theory was developed by Irving Fisher following the… …   Wikipedia

  • Debt overhang — is when an organization (for example, a business, government, or family) has existing debt so great that it cannot easily borrow more money, even when that new borrowing is actually a good investment that would more than pay for itself. This… …   Wikipedia

  • Debt evasion — is the intentional act of trying to avoid attempts by creditors to collect or pursue one s debt. At an elementary level, this includes the refusal to answer one s phone by screening one s calls or by ignoring mailed notices informing the debtor… …   Wikipedia

  • debt security — see security Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. debt security …   Law dictionary

  • debt securities — This term has a number of meanings depending on the context in which it is used: • Generally, a debenture, a government and public security or a warrant which confers a right in respect of an investment in a debenture or government and public… …   Law dictionary

  • Debt Conciliation Board — Debt Conciliation Board, Govt. of Haryana कर्ज निपटान बोर्ड, हरियाणा सरकार Official logo of Revenue Department, Haryana Agency overview Formed 28 January 2007 Jurisdiction …   Wikipedia

  • debt/EBITDA ratio — USA leverage ratio, Also known as the debt/EBITDA ratio. The ratio of debt (borrowings) to EBITDA, often expressed as a percentage or ratio. It is often used as a measure of the risk attached to a company because a highly leveraged company has a… …   Law dictionary

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